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Reminder to everyone to join us on Zello tomorrow at 8PM GMT

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Optimus Prime

Reminder to everyone to join us on Zello tomorrow at 8PM GMT
« on: April 24, 2016, 02:40:56 AM »
Asalamualaikum to all.

Today will be our third edition. Our first session was the ice breaker, and Alhamdulillah we had a decent turn out in the total number of people who entered the channel, and participated. The second session was a little flat if I'm honest, however that is to be expected from time to time. We hope our third session tomorrow will be a winner.

Our Ameer, Farid will decide on the topic Insh'Allah.

A shout out to our welcomed new members Solomon, Sabih, and ArifAli786. I hope you will consider taking up us on our invite to you.

See ya' tomorrow/today, Insh'Allah. :)


Re: Reminder to everyone to join us on Zello tomorrow at 8PM GMT
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2016, 08:55:40 AM »
Wa alaykum alsalam wa rahmatullah,

Thanks akhi for setting up the thread. I had a wonderful conversation with a Shia brother in an Arabic channel last night. We were talking for about an hour. To be able to communicate and understand each other truly is a great thing.

Topic will once again be:

How do Sunnis and Shias follow Qur'an and Ahlulbayt?

Many Shias seem to have the wrong idea about the Sunni point of view. This difference is causing a split and tension. I'm not necessarily looking to debate, but rather, I am more interested in a conversation.


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